
The University of Sheffield, commonly referred to as Sheffield University or TUOS (The University of Sheffield), is a renowned public research university situated in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. Its rich history can be traced back to the establishment of Sheffield Medical School in 1828, Firth College in 1879, and Sheffield Technical School in 1884. The culmination of these institutions resulted in the formation of the University College of Sheffield in 1897, which received the royal charter as the University of Sheffield in 1905, granted by King Edward VII.

Comprising 50 academic departments organized into five faculties and an international faculty, Sheffield reported an annual income of £880.2 million for the fiscal year 2022–23. Notably, £198.6 million of this income was derived from research grants and contracts, with an expenditure of £790.5 million. Renowned for its world-leading engineering research, the university collaborates with prestigious institutions like Harvard and MIT and forms partnerships with over 125 companies, including BAE Systems, Siemens, Boeing, Rolls-Royce, and Airbus, at the 150-acre Advanced Manufacturing Park. Sheffield consistently ranks among the top 10 UK universities for research grant funding and holds the top position in the UK for income and investment in engineering research, as reported by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

As one of the original red brick universities and a founding member of the Russell Group, Sheffield is also affiliated with the Worldwide Universities Network, the N8 Group of the eight most research-intensive universities in Northern England, and the White Rose University Consortium. Over the past fifteen years, Sheffield has been ranked between 66th and 104th globally by QS, with ARWU placing it 9th overall in the UK. THE recognized the university as 22nd in Europe for teaching excellence. According to the latest Research Excellence Framework 2021, Sheffield holds the 11th position in the UK for research power.

Eight Nobel laureates are associated with Sheffield, six of whom are alumni or former long-term staff. Their contributions span significant areas such as the development of penicillin, the discovery of the citric acid cycle, investigations into high-speed chemical reactions, the discovery of introns in eukaryotic DNA, the discovery of fullerene, and the development of molecular machines. The university's distinguished alumni also include heads of state, Home Secretaries, Court of Appeal judges, Booker Prize winners, astronauts, and Olympic gold medallists.

In 1905, Sheffield University comprised four faculties: Arts, Pure Science, Medicine, and Applied Science. The Faculty of Applied Science later underwent a split, leading to the establishment of Engineering and Metallurgy in 1919. During the early 20th century, in addition to traditional full-time student education, the university offered non-degree courses covering unconventional, occupation-focused subjects such as cow-keeping, railway economics, mining, and razor-grinding.


National Rankings

  • Complete (2024): 20
  • Guardian (2024): 21
  • Times / Sunday Times (2024): 18

Global Rankings

  • ARWU (2023): 151–200
  • QS (2024): 104
  • THE (2024): 105

University of Sheffield's National League Table Performance Over the Past Ten Years:

The University of Sheffield has been recognized as one of the powerhouses of British higher education by The Times. It holds prestigious memberships in the Russell Group, the European University Association, the Worldwide Universities Network, and the White Rose University Consortium. The university's research output has consistently placed it within the top 10 of the Russell Group, and in the top 12 for research strength, as per the Research Excellence Framework 2014.

In terms of research citations, Sheffield is globally ranked 93rd and holds the 9th position in the UK according to CWUR 2018–19. The university has received the Queen's Anniversary Prize five times, in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2007, and 2019. Notably, it was named 'University of the Year' in the Times Higher Education awards in 2011.

The Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2014 recognized the University of Sheffield as the best for student experience, social life, university facilities, and accommodation. It was also identified as one of the top 50 most international universities globally in 2018. The university's commitment to outstanding teaching is underscored by its joint 9th position in the UK and 11th across Europe in the latest league table.

In the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF), Sheffield climbed to the 11th position for research power in the UK, up from 13th in REF2014. Impressively, 92% of the research submitted by academic staff was judged as world-leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*). The university achieved global recognition for academic strengths, securing the top position for Library and Information Management in 2023, along with high rankings for Architecture and Built Environment (32nd) and Archaeology (42nd) according to QS.

In the ARWU rankings of 2022, the University of Sheffield excelled in specific fields, ranking 8th in Geography and Urban Planning, 38th in Civil Engineering, and 46th in Ecology.

Organisational Structur

As of now, the university's organizational structure includes five faculties, encompassing 50 departments, 82 research centers and institutes, and an international faculty. The current faculty breakdown is as follows:

  1. Faculty of Arts and Humanities
    • Archaeology
    • School of English
    • East Asian Studies
    • School of Languages and Cultures
    • History
    • Modern Languages Teaching Centre
    • Music
    • Philosophy
    • Sheffield Institute for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies
    • Digital Humanities Institute
  2. Faculty of Engineering
    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
    • Bioengineering
    • Chemical and Biological Engineering
    • Civil and Structural Engineering
    • Computer Science
    • Electronic and Electrical Engineering
    • Material Science and Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
  3. Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health
    • Infection, Immunity, and Cardiovascular Medicine
    • School of Dentistry
    • Medical School
    • Neuroscience
    • Health Sciences School
    • Oncology and Metabolism
    • School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR)
  4. Faculty of Science
    • Animal and Plant Science
    • School of Mathematics and Statistics
    • Biomedical Science
    • Chemistry
    • Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
    • Physics and Astronomy
    • Psychology
  5. Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Architecture
    • Economics
    • Education
    • Geography
    • The Information School
    • Journalism
    • Landscape Architecture
    • Law
    • Management School
    • Politics and International Relations
    • Sheffield Methods Institute
    • Sociology
    • Urban Studies and Planning
  6. International Faculty – CITY College
    • Business Administration & Economics
    • Computer Science
    • Psychology
    • Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Executive MBA

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