
Froebel College and Roehampton's School of Education are rooted in Froebelian principles that include a commitment to addressing people's well-being personally, in education, and in their communities. It is an aim of this master's programme to strengthen students’ awareness of the social and communal influences that impact upon the ideas, frameworks and practices adopted by leaders and organisations within our communities.

The University’s commitment to critical thinking, equality, diversity, inclusion, responsible citizenship and leadership are all reflected in this programme. It provides opportunities to engage with up-to-date research over a broad range of issues and current thinking relating to education leadership and management. The focus is local, national and global with all modules drawing upon students’ diversity, diverse experiences and research literature to develop a research-informed understanding of leadership and management in different social and educational contexts.

You will study leadership and management in educational contexts from international perspectives to develop your knowledge, understanding and practice. Specifically, modules will cover aspects such as leading teaching and learning, developing staff and teams, and organisational theory and strategy. These modules will take a people-focused approach, to understanding the complexities of individuals and teams, and wider groups such as the staff, the organisation itself and beyond.

The programme enables you to specialise in particular areas of interest by giving a choice in your assignment and dissertation topics so your study has immediate relevance and also prepares you for your future development as a practitioner and as a researcher.

If you are currently in a senior management position, then a special route may be possible for you depending upon your experience and courses completed with organisations such as the National College for Teaching and Leadership.

A key aspect of the Education Leadership and Management MA is the undertaking of a piece of research. You will study the foundational skills and concepts in academic enquiry, and planning for your specialist research. Your research will be in the form of a dissertation, as a means of critically enquiring into and developing knowledge about an issue or question relevant to your study.

This programme has an international profile and brings together students at the postgraduate level from around the world.

Modules Level 7
Compulsory modules
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Excellence: from Glass Ceilings to Sticky Floors
  • Social and Educational Research
Optional modules
  • Leading Educational Organizations
  • Developing Staff and Leading Teams
  • Building Communities of Learning for Pupils and Practitioners
  • System Leadership: Stepping across Educational Thresholds to Promote Educational Change
  • Contemporary Education Policy Debates: National and International Perspectives
Dissertation module
  • Dissertation

These modules are those we currently offer and may be subject to change each year.

Career Options

Careers in leadership and management in schools, colleges, universities and early years settings; working in government organizations and educational charities; consultancy; training industries and further academic study at PhD level. Research areas include education policy, enhancement and quality, inspection and review systems






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