
Liverpool John Moores University, commonly abbreviated as LJMU, is a public research university located in Liverpool, England. Its roots can be traced back to the establishment of the Liverpool Mechanics' School of Arts in 1823. This institution later merged to form Liverpool Polytechnic. In 1992, through a parliamentary Act, Liverpool Polytechnic underwent a transformation, becoming the present-day Liverpool John Moores University. The university derives its name from Sir John Moores, a local philanthropist and businessman who generously contributed to the precursor institutions.

As of the academic year 2019/20, LJMU had a student body of 25,050, with 20,105 enrolled as undergraduate students and 4,945 as postgraduate students. This enrollment size positions LJMU as the 30th largest university in the UK based on total student population.

Liverpool John Moores University holds membership in prominent academic associations, including the University Alliance, the Northern Consortium, and the European University Association.


National Rankings (2024):

  • Complete: 81
  • Guardian: 57
  • Times / Sunday Times: 93

Global Rankings:

  • ARWU (2023): 601–700
  • QS (2024): 751–760
  • THE (2024): 401–500

In the 2013 Times Higher Education 100 under 50, Liverpool John Moores University secured the 72nd position out of 100, highlighting its status as a rising star in the global academic community under the age of 50.

According to the First Destination Survey, an impressive 89% of LJMU graduates are either employed or pursuing postgraduate studies within six months of completing their degrees.

Organizational Structure

The university is structured into five faculties, each further divided into schools or centers. While most faculties have a dedicated campus site, there is considerable overlap due to joint honours degrees and traditional degrees, resulting in degrees spanning multiple faculties. The five faculties are:

  1. Faculty of Business & Law:
    • Liverpool Business School
    • School of Law
  2. Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies:
    • Liverpool School of Art and Design
    • Liverpool Screen School
    • School of Education
    • School of Humanities and Social Science
    • School of Justice Studies
    • Institute of Culture Capital
  3. Faculty of Health:
    • School of Nursing and Allied Health
    • Public Health Institute
    • School of Psychology
  4. Faculty of Science:
    • School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
    • School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
    • School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
  5. Faculty of Engineering and Technology:
    • Astrophysics Research Institute
    • School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
    • School of Computer Science and Mathematics
    • School of Engineering
    • LJMU Maritime Centre

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