GCDR Statement on the implementation of employee rights

GCDR’s core concept is in providing professional services and its strategy for growth and competitiveness is based on the excellence of its business model, the quality of its services, the development of its operations, employee commitment and market satisfaction.

GCDR undertakes to: abide by all International Labour Organisation conventions and recommendations ratified by the UK Government and enshrined in national legislation and industry codes of practice;

  • protect health and safety and promote good working conditions;
  • promote diversity and equal opportunities;
  • respect its employees and enable them to prosper;
  • promote freedom;
  • ensure transparency; and
  • protect the right to privacy of its employees and of its work seekers and clients registering for the provision of recruitment services.

GCDR undertakes to advance the following fundamental principles, in the belief that social responsibility is the key to long-term success.

Working Conditions

The promotion and maintenance of the health, safety and good working conditions of its employees and work seekers supplied or introduced to client employers are a priority GCDR.

Equal opportunities

GCDR does not discriminate for any reason whatsoever in the workplace. It recruits its employees and provides recruitment services to work seekers registered with it by reference to their skills, qualifications, and experience and treats them with dignity. It does not discriminate on the basis of age, social origin, family situation, gender, sexual orientation, disability, political, trade union or religious opinions, ethnic origin, country, or race in compliance with ILO Convention No. 111.

GCDR fosters diversity, in the individuals it employs and the work seekers registered with the company for the provision of recruitment services.

GCDR strives to help persons with physical or other disabilities, in order to integrate them into the company and the working community.


GCDR strives to protect jobs. In the event of any reorganization or restructuring of the company, and makes a commitment to seek alternative roles for workers within the company wherever possible or with clients registering job vacancies.

Right to training

GCDR undertakes to provide every one of its employees, throughout their entire career with the company, regardless of their age and position, with the training necessary to properly perform their job and build a career.

Working hours and right to paid holidays

GCDR abides by national legislation on working hours in line with the needs of the company and taking into account workers' wishes. In compliance with national legislation and business practices within the UK, all GCDR employees and temporary workers supplied by the company to client hires are entitled to paid holidays.


GCDR recognizes the principle of fair compensation for work and complies with the provisions of ILO Convention No. 100 on equal pay for equal work.

Freedom of association/Employee representation

GCDR adheres to the ILO declaration on the fundamental rights and principles at work adopted in 1998 at the 86th International Labour Conference with respect to freedom of association.

Relations with suppliers and clients

GCDR informs its own suppliers and clients of the contents of this statement and urges them to consider adhering to it. It encourages them to introduce and implement equivalent principles in their own companies.


This statement will be distributed to all staff of GCDR. Employees and work seekers registered with the company for the provision of recruitment services will have the opportunity to inform the company of any conduct that does not comply with this statement.