GCRD is committed to providing a quality service to our customers. If you are not satisfied with the level of service you have received from us we would like you to tell us about it. All complaints are taken very seriously and any feedback is appreciated as it provides us with an opportunity to improve our standards. All complaints and feedback are referred on to the dedicated Quality Care team. The team sit separately from the operational business and are responsible for objectively reviewing and investigating any concerns you may have without delay.

If you would like to make a formal complaint, you can contact our Quality department via email:

E: quality@gcrd.co.uk


  1. We will send you written acknowledgement (email), on receipt of your complaint within 5 working days. We will also inform you of the dedicated member of the Quality team who will be dealing with your complaint.
  2. We will then record your complaints in our central register and start to investigate on your behalf. This is likely to involve the following steps:
  • Examining your record to ascertain the sequence of relevant events & related correspondence
  • Interviewing the relevant members of staff for clarification on the issue
  • Liaising with senior management as appropriate
  1. We aim to acknowledge, fully investigate and duly resolve all complaints within 14 working days.
  2. A full written response to your complaint will be drafted by the appointed member of the Quality team sent to you with supporting documentary evidence (if applicable). In addition, the Quality representative may escalate your concerns to the relevant Manager or Director who may wish to discuss the events surrounding your complaint directly with you.
  3. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can make a written request for escalation of your complaint. The investigation will be reviewed by the quality team director, who will respond directly with findings and conclusion.
  4. If you remain unsatisfied with the decision, you can contact the relevant industry trade association.